I just got back from the North Lincoln Walmart and if you need outdoor stuff, back to school stuff or Halloween stuff GO NOW. Halloween stuff is 75% off and all the clearance stuff is an additional 50% off of the already clearance price!
I got Britney Spears perfume, Kenneth Cole cologne, 2 9x13 Wilton cake pans(they're stuck together so I only paid for 1 - hopefully I can get them separated pretty easy), 2 75 foot flat soaker hoses, 4 window box planters, paper, hanging folders, push pins, Halloween baking stuff, Light up plastic pumpkin, couple skirts to start Laurens dress up bin, Halloween socks and gloves to send my nieces next year, makeup (we'll see if it lasts until next year) and a scary mask and blood for Adam so he can scare trick or treaters next year :)
I just looked up the pans, perfume, cologne, and hoses and those alone cost double what I paid for everything!
The total should have been at least (estimating everything that was already on clearance) $250. I got it all for $83.83. Much more than I went in expecting to spend but still awesome :)
AND I easily got my cake pans separated!