Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Adams dad picked me some sweet corn this weekend so I went ahead and canned/froze it - it's so much better than store boughten canned corn!

Here is the process:

Shuck the corn

Make sure you get all the silks off!

Wash it. Once again, making sure you get as many silks off as you can.

Cut it off the cob.

Add ingredients

Boil for 5 minutes. Make sure it's a good boil for that whole time.

Give it a water bath to cool it down. Stir frequently and you may want to rerun the cold water a couple of times.

Put into bags and stick in the freezer!

3 grocery bags of corn = 2.5 recipes = 24 cups of corn before boiling = 14, 1 cup full bags

Freezer Corn:
16 Cups Corn
1 T Salt
3 Cups Water
1/4 Cup Butter
1/3 Cup Sugar

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